Monday, July 25, 2011

Island in the Sun

Last week I spent Thursday on Balboa Island with a large handful of my favorites. We beached, strolled, ate, talked, gawked, and came under the spell of a slow pace and summer streets.
In the evening I ate more seafood than I ever have in one sitting. Smelled delicious basil and tomatoes. Ate my bag of saltwater taffy. Contemplated a fiftieth anniversary. Shivered, sweated, and came home covered in salt and sand.


Karen said...

I love your photos. Your posts always have a PBS vibe. You should have a show on Saturday mornings. Breakfast in bed and KL Living... I can dream!

apple slice said...

all i can say is thank you. !!!

i took plenty that were not pbs worthy.

Cherry Cordial said...

These photos are perfect. They make me long to back there with you.