Up in the Sky by Majali
I have a weakness for lunch counters.
My mother has hooked Nancy on Fritos this year. At the cabin, Donn and Nancy celebrated with champagne and Fritos by the creek before their anniversary dinner.
I sent mother a birthday package to New Jersey at the first of July. When her tour itinerary changed, the package remained. The package has yet to wend its way to mother. The package contains, among sundries, Fritos.
Since attending Christine's wedding reception, I am always looking for a delicious garlic bread recipe.
Often when looking for a good recipe, I consult The Silver Palate Cookbook. I am still looking for garlic bread.
Amy sometimes recalls the Smokehouse garlic cheese bread. When googled, the recipe calls for a packet of Kraft mac and cheese powder.
One of my favorite foods is olives. Not surprisingly, I love tapenade. The best tuna sandwich you will ever eat is at Waters. It is the albacore salad sandwich with tapenade and arugula on herb focaccia. I would be lying if I denied it is one of my favorite foods ever. I try to never lie.
I found Dobby's death incredible. I often think of Dobby and house elves.
Sometimes it's hard to imagine eating at a place with "wool" in the title. A swank restaurant named "Burlap" just opened near me. I made an informal vow never to patronize it.
The two African violets in my terrarium thrive but have not bloomed. I have yet to help an African violet bloom.
Each House Beautiful issue makes me want to paint my room. Lately, it has been pink.
My current life goal is to make Spike Mendelsohn's Toasted Marshmallow Shake. I try to set attainable, pleasurable goals and encourage you to do the same. Help me help you.