Monday, October 29, 2012

REL: October 1922-October 2012

We are missing Father this week and looking at pictures that span his lifetime. I like the ones of him as a child though I didn't know him then. I think a picture is indeed an indicator of a life. I love detail. Here he is with his mom and his brother, Don. He loved his brother Don throughout his life. When Don died, Father started his turn downhill. Everyone loves a child. There is a whole lot going on that we can't see and usually don't know. I love my dad was my dad. He made us what we are. Better days ahead.


aimee and aaron said...

I am so sorry, Karen. It is always such a hard thing, but how lovely that you have memories and pictures. Yes, better days ahead.

Cherry Cordial said...

Bob and Don are jaunty in their suits. The mother, adoring. A most perfect photograph in every way.