Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I Simply Remember My Favorite Things

The Painted Veil is a romantic drama I saw first at the Flower Hill Mall theatre, may it rest in peace. I've since watched it at least three times. It is one of my favorite films. Today I downloaded the soundtrack. You see, I was taken with the music. It featured Erik Satie's Gnossiennes and as such, confirmed my devotion. I became aware of Satie when I served a mission in France. I have photocopies of his sheet music. And hearing it is like hearing something that is already inside you. I do require beauty from films.


Brian said...

I have not heard of this movie. I don't see many romantic dramas. If ever.

Brian said...

That may also be my reaction after seeing a movie like this: may it rest in peace.

apple slice said...

the romantic drama is a fabulous genre. it draws great acting, scripts, etc. i would like to see you watch one. Unlikely Angel cannot be considered a romantic drama.