Sunday, September 07, 2008

Picnic Basket on the Fish Blanket

Take a few good friends and add a picnic on the lawn on a cliff by the sea. This equation is especially wonderful if the feast is merry. And it was. Any reason is fine but this was a particularly great cause for which to purchase what we have always wanted: organic Adriatic fig preserves. The tartines, slightly Greek salad, salt and vinegar potato chips, and bowls of summer fruits. Peripherals included sparkling cranberry juice and French limeade from Trader Joe's and The Great Blondie from The Greyston Bakery Cookbook. Damp crept in with the dusk. We retired home, playing cards and drinking Pellegrino. A night to remember? Yes, a night to repeat.


Krustee said...

the picture did turn out lovely! Those tartines were delish. I will have to gather the ingredients soon and repeat.

Anonymous said...

I long to have been there. The photo an advertisment.

apple slice said...

Aims, thank you. What a lovely prospect that is. I plan to picnic in the future and will put you first on the dance card.