Sunday, February 20, 2011

National Treasure: Jinny Beyer

 Yesterday I attended two lectures while the rain thrummed on the auditorium roof. Jinny Beyer flew out from the East Coast and spoke to quilters. I paid $25 to see and hear her which is $15 more than I paid to have Martha Stewart sign my cookbook 12 years ago. Both were money well spent. If you don't know who Jinny is, don't worry. Most quilters are not rock stars. She is however, an amazing person. I don't find her quilts to my taste; I would probably never make them. They are inspiring. Her ability with color is a show in itself. She is not trained. She has lived in India and Nepal and travelled widely the globe. She has her own business in Virginia and designs fabrics. She is known for her border prints. Her quilts are handpieced and handquilted. I think she is a national treasure.

1 comment:

rachel with redshoes on said...

I admit to being a quilting snob and having my sensibilities offended when someone refers to a tied quilt as quilted.