Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer Survey: Donn

Donny chauffeurs mom and me to June Lake in 2011.

I am pleased to introduce Donn. He is a man one can count on, good at everything under the sun. An all-around pleasure to be around. These are rare qualities. We love him. I include an image of Glass Creek because it is a good place to be.

1.     The best use for peanut butter: Big wad on a cracker fed to a dog and watch him lap it in and stick to the roof of his mouth. Unlimited entertainment!
2.     A great gift you would like to receive but no one has ever given you:  Face lift. More memory. New operating system. Need I go on?
3.     Fiction or non-fiction (and favorite title): Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys.
4.     A food everyone loves to eat but you think is overrated: Cake, but I do ‘like’ cake.
5.     Ideal temperature for sleeping:  Depends.
6.     One thing you love about camping: Flatulence without guilt
7.     One reason you do not camp more often: Getting really comfortable with creature comforts!
8.     Favorite thing about nighttime: Leaving my shades in their case.
9.     Ideal music for a summer evening: Nightingale by Yanni, full volume.
10.  Your thoughts on s’mores: Overrated!
11.  Would you ever live in the South? Lived in South California, never again, nuff said! (Donn is California-centric . . . .)
12.  If you stole an art piece, which one would it be? Me steal, surely you jest!

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