Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summer Survey: Mother

Mother treks at the cabin in 2011.

A devoted mother reports in! She is on the go this year, coming soon to San Diego.

1.     The best use for peanut butter: Cookies and sandwiches . . . there are no bad uses!
2.     A great gift you would like to receive but no one has ever given you: All our pictures organized and in albums.
3.     Fiction or non-fiction (and favorite title): Both . . . almost always it is the last one I read.
4.     A food everyone loves to eat but you think is overrated: Mangoes.
5.     Ideal temperature for sleeping:  Maybe 72 degrees . . . snugly quilts are the best.
6.     One thing you love about camping: Being outdoors . . . and sleeping bags. 
7.     One reason you do not camp more often: Might have to do it more often. Aspen Grove was so much fun!
8.     Favorite thing about nighttime: A piece of chocolate at 10 o'clock.
9.     Ideal music for a summer evening: Anything my iPod wants to shuffle . . . what a great invention.
10.  Your thoughts on s’mores: Can't be beat . . . extra good with peanut butter on them.
11.  Would you ever live in the South? A/C is a wonderful thing . . . humidity would take much of the fun out of living there . . . a great old plantation would be fun.
12.  If you stole an art piece, which one would it be? Can't think of one I would enjoy if it were stolen!

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