Friday, November 26, 2010

A Large, Fine Meal

roasted tom with pomegranate glaze
cranberry sauce
corn pudding
pineapple dressing
virginia rolls with butter and jam
green peas
relish tray
and the pies
dutch apple
coconut cream with meringue

Brian once watched a movie where a character ordered "a large, fine meal" and he was brought to a feast at a banquet  table. The tom was prepared sans glaze. Mother could not find a way to baste the turkey in the plastic bag. She is a dévotée of the oven turkey bag. The turkey appeared pale and wan. It tasted fine. I have never been one for "quick tips" in the kitchen. The potatoes were nice. My goal was to prepare them in a plain delicious potato-y way since they were served with gravy. I didn't want much competition on the plate. I thought the cranberry sauce was a bowl of winter gems. Our raspberry jam was super yum and nicely tart. Someone had made it and given it to mother. Brian liked the turkey, corn pudding, potatoes, and stuffing; he is our classic. Father ate a large plate and helped himself liberally to black olives from the relish tray during the feast. Jeff loved the pineapple dressing his mother used to make and the stuffing. At Robin's feast, they most enjoyed their homegrown carrots roasted with olive oil. 

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