Monday, April 25, 2011

That Glorious Easter Sunday


April 24, 2011
Easter Dinner

chilled cantaloupe soup with
tarragon syrup

balsamic roasted beef
grilled asparagus with
rosemary and goat cheese
spoon bread
creamed corn

vanilla ice cream with toasted almonds and
hot fudge, blackberry, and strawberry sauces
chocolate covered strawberries

minted water

Baby William had an egg. At his first Eastertide, he was the model of decorum and reverence. Audrey, Rob, and all passed him around and we exclaimed over his seersucker pant with matching belt. Todd sought the soft spot on his noggin and found it. Todd ate three filet mignon medallions. His cantaloupe soup with tarragon syrup was amorously greeted with "Who woulda thunk?" The asparagus was the first to go. One spoonful of spoon bread remains. We made inroads in the hot fudge with Todd and Audrey being most appreciative. Beth ate as much as she could and then pushed her ice cream bowl away. I used a few too many pinches of cayenne in the creamed corn. The sauce was pale pink. I served blackberry sauce in the jar Amy gave me gingerbread Christmas caramels.
Topics of interest included the feodora, millinery, food anthopology, language and linguistics, citrus fruit trees and their tempations, swaddling and the papoose, evolution, brine shrimp, salt and fresh water, Pink Floyd, Humphrey Bogart's son, whirlwind romance, the Royal wedding, bowls, Brigham City, Australia, opal mining, geology, Edna Lewis, Freetown, hollow bunnies, Bottlecaps, Easter Seals, dwarfism, honey mustard pretzels.


aimee and aaron said...

The baby had an egg! This is what I was most hoping for. Thrilled and delighted that all went well. I thought of you and your feast last night.
The menu sounds divine. I expected nothing less. I am jealous that you found time to blog during preparations! I am a mess at that time. Please supply details on Saturday morning.

Karen said...

That was one adorable baby! I hope the bottlecaps mentioned were the candy variety, and nothing derogatory was said. I have family roots in Brigham City. It is said my great grandfather referred to it as "Brigham City, Idaho".