Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jerusalem: Tis the Season

Because I understand the frustration of finding a map online that is suitable for printing, I offer my map to the public. So that when you search high res, old jerusalem, jerusalem at the time of jesus, old city, easter week, holy week, and sundry indicators, you may chance upon my site. Please leave a comment with your email address and I will personally (oooh!) send you a high resolution pdf, suitable for printing.


Karen said...

This is a find! Did it come from the institute NT manual?

apple slice said...

sadly, i needed to make it. i kind of copied one on i needed one suitable for putting on press for the easter booklet and i spent as much time looking online (hours) for something high res as it took to make it. keep in mind, i have no business making a map but this is one of the perks of the technology age.

Karen said...

You are blooming talented. Well done.