Friday, August 16, 2013

Lewis Anniversary Seal Wall Hanging

Over the weekend, we went to the Lewis Sixtieth Anniversary reunion. Everyone went. Bill and Jo Ann, all three kids, spouses, and their children. It was an amazing reunion with lots of memory and future and fun. Every meal they planned an ancestor spotlight: Look Who's Coming to Dinner. We sang "Lead, Kindly Light," made videos, heard everyone's story of how they met their spouse, heard their songs, and played games, and ate and ate. The highlight was going to the Salt Lake Temple and having a sealing session in the same room they were married in 60 years ago. Kerri and Matt planned a beautiful luncheon at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. We all wore personalized Trojan shirts (they met for real at a USC football game). We went on the Apine slide and coaster in Park City where we all stayed. It was magical.

Mark and I wanted to make them a mini quilt. Mark suggested we use the seal of Melchizedek since it figures so prominently in the design of the San Diego Temple. So we did. I handquilted the top, finishing on the way up to the reunion. It is a variation of a Swoon block.

Next week, our wedding quilt! Taking it to San Diego to photograph it were it was finished and displayed at our wedding. Today, I'm linking to Finish It Up Friday!

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