We each did our own Lone Star and other blocks to complete the quilt. My exchange block was the houses. I had a few extra so I put two on my quilt front and one on the back. I also put three extra blocks (that didn't fit on the front) on the back. There was no real layout to go by with our quilt blocks though we used a book by Fons and Porter for our inspiration. We took liberties in the blocks we made and put them together how we liked. As a result, many of the group haven't finished their quilts. We are so tied to patterns! (I was pet-sitting when I tried this layout.)
Same place again. It took a long while to come to a decision.
Here is my layout at mom's. What finally worked for me was barging ahead and sewing about a third of it together. I loved that third and was sure of it. From there I could put the rest together. I am surprised it happened. Mine turned out to be horizontal and will be great on a wall. For now, it's on our bed. I like quilts to be used.
I found the backing at Rosie's sale room when I shopped with Mary Morrison after the temple one day. She helped me make the decision. I put the quilt show label on and my own label. Click the photo to enlarge.
Here is a close-up to see some of the intricate work our group did. I made that little nine-patch from a Dear Jane pattern.
Here is the back with the remaining blocks.
And here is the whole finished.
I loved being in a quilt group for the show-and-tell alone! I need to join a group here. There are two traditional groups plus a modern group. I am leaning toward the modern one for some reason. Simple appeals to me. I brought this one out for July and it has stayed. Linking to Finish It Up Friday!
What handsome quilts!
“I was pet-sitting when I tried this layout.”
Mind, keep the pets away from the quilts.
A quilting group could be fun … if the people were friendly. A quilt could tell a story.
Simplicity suggests elegance.
Wow, your quilt is beautiful. It was fun to see the possible layouts as you played with arrangement of the blocks. Great job!
I would like a copy of the photo of you, framed please. You look extra gorgeous. What a babe!
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