Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fifteen Questions: The Family Show

Stay tuned for a new round of guesting. We'll hear what the family has to say. Here is my debut. Photo by Brian.

A question that should never be asked: "Do you have anywhere to go for the holidays?"
Food you are renowned for preparing: breakfast, cheese souffle with Brian.
A treasured object: my bed and kiki.
Favorite scripture story: 1 Kings 17. The widow of Zarephath, the barrel of meal, the cruse of oil.
Best color to wear: red.
Favorite See's candy: anything marshmallow, milk chocolate, and caramel, and cashew brittle.
Ideal species of animal: seals (they get to swim all day).
If you were to get a cat, what would you name him/her? Bonny Blue. (chances are slim I would have a cat.)
Favorite movie: Howards End.
A place you would love to visit: a rainforest.
Cake or pie: Texas sheet cake.
What makes marachino cherries so red? Mother Nature.
Best part of Disneyland: Main Street shop windows and the memory of the steps of those who have gone before.
An object that should never have been invented: the scale for humans.
A song you like to sing: "You Are My Sunshine" and Johnny Appleseed.


Karen said...

Oh my goodness, kiki. I remember you enjoyed kiki's fragrance. I also love Howards End, and the uncultured swine that I am, I only saw it for the first time last year! Your photo is beautiful. You are gorgeous and never age.

Brian said...

Oh, I just thought of other things that should not have been invented:

* Facebook (I think my neighbor and I agree, after her relatives signed her up for it; I have no interest)

* Flip-flops (which degrade not only the wearer, but us all)

* Camera feature of phones (if used all the time)