Friday, May 13, 2011

Picnic Blanket for the Finger Lakes

I screwed on a darning foot and put this one on my machine. I've rented time on a long-arm machine previously (one time). It was a lot of work, lots of time, etc. Now I know I can do it on my own machine though I never would for a quilt I've put a lot of time into. Normally I turn them over to someone else. This is just two separate fabrics sewn together, scalloped, and bound. I enjoy the coral binding. I am really into quilt backs so it is ironic I've done very few cute backs. I hope to someday change that. My free motion quilting is meander or stipple. I've named this the Great Finger Lakes though. I have it in the trunk of my car with my other picnic blanket made in college. One day this one will be worn in.


Karen said...

I love this! So cute!

Robin said...

I LOVE that quilt. Good Job Nar!