Monday, March 14, 2011

Create: How Do You Choose?

February! A short month with a long memory. For my happiness project, I had a long list of things to create, including writing a novel in 30 days. I should have known better but did not have the heart to tell myself it would be a push. Also on the list were free motion quilting, sewing projects, making tarte tatin, and my Americana exchange blocks. I did make a bit of headway on the Americana blocks.

You see, I am writing an Easter Week booklet for my church congregation. The stake presidency is into it. It makes sense. We make a huge deal of Christmas. We celebrate Easter day and the Resurrection. We should study more about his life that last week. Nearly one-third of the chapters in the four gospels are dedicated to this one week. I have been undergoing study, research, introspection, writing, editing, design, and the back and forth of approvals. It has been consuming. Though in the thick of it yet, I feel I'm coming away more compassionate. I hope so. I want to be more like the Savior. His heart. I like this Minerva Teichert image for a couple reasons. Mary has come to the tomb to see the risen Christ. She was first (can you imagine being first?). She looks Native American to me; I always think biblical people should not look like me. I love she mistook him for the gardener. For some reason, this fact makes me very happy. The newness of day. The sun rises in the east as they meet . . . it's Easter morning! There are only dirt and rock. The Savior lived in such primitive conditions. I love him.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

I love that picture too.
Recently I went with my mom to the Carl Bloch exhibit at the BYUMOA...if you visit UT in the near future, you must see it!!