Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fifteen Questions by Guest Terrific Tanya

Meet Tanya (pronounced "tan (like brown) ya"). A titian-haired and peaches and cream beauty raised in central California, she was an interior designer in San Diego until she moved to northern Utah last year. She has never seen so much weather. You must ogle the blanket she made from upholstery fabrics. I have one in the works!

I would like an airline ticket to: Paris . . . I want a real croissant!!
If I wasn't born in the U.S., I would have chosen to be born in:  France.
Favorite shower product: Just got some teatree shampoo . . . I love it, it wakes me up!
The perfect girl-gift for visiting: I work at Williams-Sonoma . . . just about anything from there.
Describe a time you felt like Babette from Babette's Feast: I haven't read that; I don't know what you are talking about.
I would spend any amount of money for: Good fashionable, comfortable shoes.
I'm always looking for: great places to eat.
Favorite childhood movie: If this movie is on, and I just got out of the shower, and I have nothing on but a towel and dripping hair, I will sit and watch till there is a commercial or even till it is over . . . Back to the Future.
Favorite childhood gift: My matching red striped shorts and red striped ESPRIT shirt . . . I wore that thing out!!
Worse thing to have lost while in my care: My mind!!
A place I would like to break into: Tiffany and Co.
A book that made me glad to be aliveThe Help . . . but I am now reading My Life in France by Julia Child . . . I think that will make me feel that way.
Something you didn't buy, but really wish you had: A really cute Orla Kiely purse . . . I have a customer that comes in with it, and I covet it all the time!!
People would be surprised to know: My life is pretty much an open book, I am not sure there is anything that is shocking anymore.  
I should buy more: Fresh fruits and vegetables in the winter . . . I have been lacking, and I can't wait for the farmer's markets to start up again.

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